The Benefits Of Using Ortho Wax Braces

Orthodontic treatment can be a life-changing experience for many people, as it helps to correct dental issues such as misalignment, overcrowding, and bite problems. However, with this treatment often comes discomfort and irritation caused by the braces rubbing against the inside of the cheeks and lips. This is where ortho wax braces come in to save the day.

ortho wax braces, also known as dental wax or orthodontic wax, are small, soft pieces of wax that can be applied to the brackets and wires of braces to provide a smooth surface and protect the mouth from irritation. This wax is made from natural materials such as beeswax, carnauba wax, and paraffin wax, making it safe to use and easy to mold to fit the individual’s needs.

One of the main benefits of using ortho wax braces is the relief they provide from discomfort and pain caused by braces rubbing against the soft tissues of the mouth. When braces are first put on, or after adjustments, the brackets and wires can cause irritation and sores to develop. By applying a small amount of ortho wax to the problematic areas, patients can create a barrier between their braces and the inside of their mouth, preventing further irritation and allowing the sores to heal.

Another benefit of ortho wax braces is their ability to protect the mouth from injuries caused by sharp edges of the braces. Sometimes the wires or brackets can become loose or stick out, posing a risk of cutting or scratching the inside of the cheeks, lips, or tongue. Ortho wax can be easily molded and applied to cover these sharp edges, preventing injuries and ensuring a more comfortable experience for the wearer.

ortho wax braces can also be used to make speaking and eating more manageable for patients with braces. The smooth surface of the wax reduces friction between the braces and the soft tissues of the mouth, making it easier to enunciate words and eat without discomfort. This can be especially helpful for individuals who are new to wearing braces or who have just had them adjusted, as it allows them to adapt more quickly to the changes in their mouth.

In addition to providing relief and protection, ortho wax braces are also easy to use and carry around. The small pieces of wax can be stored in a pocket or purse for easy access whenever needed. To apply the wax, patients simply warm it up with their fingers to make it pliable, then press it onto the areas of the braces causing discomfort. The wax will adhere to the braces and stay in place until it is removed, providing continuous relief throughout the day.

It is important to note that ortho wax braces should not be used as a substitute for proper dental hygiene. While the wax can help alleviate discomfort and irritation, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices to prevent infections and other complications. Patients should continue to brush and floss their teeth regularly, making sure to clean around the braces and wires to keep the mouth healthy.

In conclusion, ortho wax braces are a simple yet effective solution for the discomfort and irritation that can accompany orthodontic treatment. By providing a smooth surface and protection for the soft tissues of the mouth, ortho wax can help patients adapt to wearing braces more comfortably and confidently. Whether it’s relieving pain, preventing injuries, or making daily activities easier, ortho wax braces are an essential tool for anyone undergoing orthodontic treatment. So next time you experience discomfort from your braces, reach for some ortho wax and say goodbye to the pain.